Sunday, June 18, 2006

Some guys ...

You know the guy who everyone likes? The guy who somehow, quietly, knows everybody on Earth? When you are with him in public, you can't go twelve feet without stopping to talk to someone or two?

I'm sure you've heard of him. He's the guy who believes hard work is always rewarded, even if the prize isn't what you had bargained for.

He's the guy who you tell your troubles to and before you know it he's on the phone, calling in a favor.

He likes to think the best of everyone, except the President (these last few years, anyway).

He still lights up at the thought of Lionel Trains, childhood memories and just about any funny story you tell him.

He's the guy who will wolf down a egg-sodden slice of burnt French toast -- even though eggs make him queasy -- just because you, child, made it for him.

He's the guy who remembers that you wanted that fancy pocket knife when you were seven years old and gives it to you at your college graduation with note saying: "I think now you're old enough to have it."

He's the guy who worries about your troubles, and acts on your behalf without you even knowing it.

He's the guy who walks you down the aisle, if you're lucky, and dotes on the grandkids with a kind of enjoyment you've never seen, nor thought humanly possible.

This particular guy, I am lucky to say, is MY DAD.

revolving doors


And as luck would have it, the stars aligned and I Married a Guy just like him.

warren street

- Happy Fathers' Day to my two favorite guys.


Anonymous said...

What a fantastic homage to the men in your life. I wish I could write in such a warm and sincere fashion.

No matter how hard I try to resist, the smartass in me always creeps in!

Firestarter5 said...

Excellent as always.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet way to celebrate the boys in your life!