Saturday, May 14, 2011

So when the attendance office called on Friday ...

Wondering why Ittybit wasn't in school ...

So when school called to find out why she was absent on Friday ...o

What was I supposed to say?


Bill said...

I'd have said, "Look at this clearly photoshopped homework assignments clearly says no school on Friday!"


toyfoto said...

Good thing I saved the original.

Whirlwind said...

Yikes! Once I went into the school nurses to ask her a question - she is also the attendance person. She looked at me and said - oh for the record, why isn't Alex here today? I was like, ummm, she should be, I walked her in this morning. A quick check and she was = she had been a few minutes late and they forgot to change the absence the teacher put in to a late in the office. made my heart skip a beat though.