Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

quince 108/365

In honor of Earth Day ...

I noticed the quince was in bloom in the side yard.

In honor of Earth Day ...

I watered the bowl of lettuce we planted two weeks ago.

In honor of Earth Day ...

I remembered it was recycling day, and walked a half-empty tub of plastics, glass and paper out to the curb.

Because in honor of Earth Day ...

Last week as I shopped for groceries I decided to buy things that didn't need scissors, knives or hacksaws to get into.

So in honor of Earth Day I renew my commitment to ...

Reduce. Reuse. Recyle.

What do you do in honor of Earth Day?

1 comment:

Cara said...

In honor of Earth Day I opted to burn my plastic instead of throwing it away and filling a dump with it. Decided to throw a little motor oil in to keep the flame hot.


We planted a couple of trees, then again, we were going to do that anyway to block the view of the neighbors :-)

Beautiful quince blossoms! I might 'recycle' that out of your yard one of these nights.