Thursday, December 06, 2007

This pretty much sums up my feelings today.

ohhhh the silliness, originally uploaded by toyfoto.

But that won't stop me from yammering on about it.

Yeah ... the devil's in the details and all of that. Annabel's birthday party is coming up (as is Christmas) adding even more stress and budget-draining angst to an already overburdened holiday season.

Turns out we've invited 17 children because we hate ourselves we don't like leaving anyone out, and, you know, now that we're the proud parents of two we've recognized the errors of our way in the past. (We are sheepishly admitting duct tape doesn't make that great a babysitter after all.)

And because I am INSANE don't sleep at night, I end up going overboard in the planning phase: designing printed invitations and gift bags and ideas for projects that wind up costing more than an Oscars afterparty.

Jed's in charge of the food, so luckily the people who show up won't have to eat a lunch of pretzels and apple juice. Buuuuuut because I was in charge of the invitations, there's a little SNAFU.

While I poured buckets of sweat over the processs, I neglected to consider the simple fact that ANNABEL is still going to swim lessons with her papa on Saturday mornings. See, I thought I'd be all clever-like and throw her party BEFORE meltdown:30, which usually takes place at the precise moment of the proverbial afternoon naptime. I figured if we had a BRUNCH-time party we'd be all set.

So the invitations are demanding people arrive at 10 a.m. and the guest of honor won't be showing up until 11. Yup. Not sure how many of you read this here nonsense, but if you do ... there it is.

ME = Still a moron.

*** Also if you didn't GET an invitation, and your reading this, please let me know because ... yeah. ... might not have affixed postage to the envelope. **Post office doesn't accept Hello Kitty stickers as postal tender, right?

I repeat:

ME = Still a moron.


Whirlwind said...

Can't she miss a week of swim lessons?

I know what you mean about the stress though, Einey's birthday is Christmas Day, so trying to schedule a party is a nightmare. Most of her friends (or their parents) are busy so it stinks. We too went for the early time of 11 am for her party and I am just getting the last invite out in the mail - tomorrow.

toyfoto said...

She could miss, but it's the last day and they get certificates for completion.

I wish you well in your party though. And a very Merry Birthday to Einey!